Workers Comp

Workers Comp

IronRoad helps your business stay ahead of the risks associated with workers’ compensation and workplace hazards. There are several ways to protect businesses against these dangers and we know that you didn’t start your business to become a risk analyst. That’s exactly what we do at IronRoad so you can focus on the day-to-day operations of running your business successfully.

Key Advantages

We Can Help With

  • Claims Management Tracking and Processing
  • Investigate All Claims
  • Bill and Submit All Required Workers’ Compensation Liability to Reporting Agency
  • Work Diligently with Injured Workers for Expedient Return to Work
  • Coordinate Workers to Enroll in A Vocation Program If Return is Not Feasible
  • Provide Employer with Specific Direction as to what Processes Need to Take Place When Injuries Occur
  • Provide a Complete On-Site Assessment of Work Conditions
  • Provide recommendations to Build a Safe Work Environment
  • Provide Documented General Safety Policies and Procedures
  • Make Safety and Risk Training Available Upon Request
  • Provide OSHA Compliance and Educational Recommendations

Ready to see how we can help? We’ll connect and get to know you, your employees, and your business. We’ll tell you about IronRoad and our solutions. Together, we’ll find the best solution for you. Begin working with IronRoad, start worrying less!

Fill out the form and one of our representatives will contact you within one business day.

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